Cameron Pettit - 14012074
Mobile Development
When first using Hotglue I used a different e-mail to create an account where I could practise using the application. I used this as a canvas where I could explore the functions and how to implement different types of media to the websites. I set out with the aim to make them as horribly colourful as possible and include as much visual content as I could. I also tested out making more than one page and how to connect them.
I then started work on the design of my portfolio. The first stage of this was to make some sketches of the layout. I looked at other portfolio websites and came up with the idea to keep it simple and easy to navigate as many websites have a direct and plain approach. After sketching out a few ideas I tested some out on Hotglue. It was here that I had to start thinking about the function of the website and how it would all work together.
After finalising my overall layout I needed to decide upon a colour scheme. I used Adobe Kuler to help me decide on using shades of black and white and one colour. I also decided to have a continuous background throughout the website. After deciding on the background I used Photoshop to edit it slightly and then chose a colour that I thought would compliment it and not overpower anything else on the screen.
Once I had the running theme through the whole site I then had to think about navigation and include buttons and links to each page. This was relatively easy except for a few hiccups in using Hotglue itself and its refresh feature. The image to the left was the layout I came up with. One problem I had with it was that Hotglue wouldn't automatically centre everything so I would have to take that into account with my final design.
The final step was to implement all my documentation. This was probably the most time consuming part as I needed to upload videos and all the photos as well as write about everything I've done throughout this module. Testing out my site on smaller devices showed me that the site would be offset. Overall I am pleased with the design and layout of my website however given a second chance and more time I would include code to centre the page. I would also include code to make the writing colour on the buttons change colour when it is rolled over or clicked.